"There is only one smartest dog in the world, and every boy has it." -Louis Sabin

All kids want a dog! You need to choose a dog good with children, however, first it is important to think about the age of your children as to when they get that dog. Small children (especially under six) you need to consider the size of your child and their unpredictable behavior. Also, the dog's behavior, for example, if you get a large, high-energy dog who could knock your child down easily. You could get a small dog that could easily be hurt unintentionally by your child.

If you have small children do you have time to take on a puppy and train him?

Parents should always supervise interaction between a dog and their children. Children need to be taught how to respectably treat a puppy.

Usually after seven years of age children are ready to have a dog to love and play with.

There are many breeds that are good with children. Learn the different characteristics of different breeds and decide what suits your child.

If you're not looking for a puppy consider finding a dog that has been raised with young children. Another option could be a young dog (a year or under) who is gentle, not afraid of children, and look for his tail wagging when a child approaches him.

Some of these dogs are: Irish Setter, Labrador Retriever, Basset Hound and the Springer Spaniel. Even if a breed is suppose to be good with children their are always exceptions.

Also,remember dogs need to be trained and socializated to be a good family pet.

This is a site basically about small dog breeds but I have listed bigger dogs for children if that is what you want. Good luck in finding the perfect dog for you.

I have written an e-book on the top 15 dogs that are good with children which includes all sizes of dogs. It tells you about each of these 15 dogs and gives you information on deciding what dog you might like to read more about or go out and find one.

Still want to know more about dogs best with children? Check out my e-book "15 Best Dogs With Children"

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